Poslovni i proizvodni kompleks – PRATIC /
Headquarters and production complex – PRATIC

Projekat: Poslovni i proizvodni kompleks – Pratic, Fagagna, Udine, Italija
Arhitekti: GEZA Gri e Zucchi Architetti Associati
Lokacija: Fagagna, Udine, Italija
Fotograf: Fernando Guerra | FG+SG fotografia de arquitectura
Završetak radova: 2011.

U gradu Faganja u provinciji Udine predstavljen je novi poslovni i proizvodni kompleks firme Pratik, koja se bavi proizvodnjom fasadnih sistema tj. zid zavesa. Firma GEZA projektovala je i izgradila kompleks u blizini autoputa koji iz Udina vodi u Spilimbergo.

Kompleks se sastoji od: glavnog objekta sa površinom od oko 10.000 m2² koji obuhvata glavno proizvodno jezgro; drugog objekta namenjenog za kancelarijske prostorije površine oko 1000 m2² koji je postavljen nedaleko od prvog objekta ali zarotiran za 15° u odnosu na njega da bi bio paralelan sa autoputem; parkinga za 100 automobila; prostora za utovar i istovar robe; prostora za servisiranje površine oko 2.700 m2²; zelene površine na 30.000m2². Takođe, postoje i prostorije namenjene sastancima i izložbama, sobe za odmor, kao i zajedničke i privatne prostorije smeštene unutar objekata i prilagođene dnevnim aktivnostima radnika. Kompleks postavljen unutar industrijske zone grada je takođe, kroz različite aspekte svog dizajna, spojen sa poljoprivrednim okruženjem i na taj način se uklapa u planinski pejzaž ovog regiona.

JEDNOSTAVNE TAMNE MASE. Projekat je nadahnut velikom željom za jednostavnošću. Suvoparna i jednostavna priroda strukture, boje , pa čak i interakcija sa pejzažem potvrđuju ovu težnju. Bez obzira na svoju tamnu i tihu prirodu, kompleks uspeva da privuče pažnju prolaznika. Objekat koji je predviđen za kancelarije, koji teži da uspostavi dijalog između stanja kretanja i mirovanja, postaje prepoznatljiv znak čak i za vozače koji prolaze autoputem. Proizvodno jezgro koje je istaknuto vertikalnim elementima, ima karakterističnu prugastu fasadu na kojoj dominiraju staklene površine i čvrsti paneli različite debljine, visoki 10m. Različite dimenzije crnog mermera i tamnog betona kojima su paneli obrađeni, menjaju izgled fasade zavisno od atmosferskih uslova.

KONZOLNA SENKA. Kancelarijsko jezgro je sa južne strane zaštićeno tamnom betonskom gredom impresivnih dimenzija (oko 80m dužine) koja u većem obimu naglašava horizontalnost pojedinih elemenata objekta. Greda, paralelna sa tlom, izlazi van gabarita objekta kao da želi da naglasi suprotstavljenost između nje i okoline. Njena refleksija na staklenu fasadu stvara “lebdeći hlad” koji utiče na temperaturu u radnom prostoru.

TRI PRIRODE. Organizacija funkcija smeštenih unutar sedišta Pratika teži da uspostavi nehijerarhijski odnos između prostora, i zato obezbeđuje veći kvalitet integrisanja među izgrađenim oblastima. Svaka funkcija je jasno i strogo isplanirana, od oblasti predviđene za utovar i istovar materijala pa do kancelarijskih prostora. Ova jednostavnost se čak može razumeti i u smislu interakcije projekta sa okruženjem što je firma GEZA pažljivo dizajnirala kroz tri poteza: kultivisan teren, zelene površine i unutrašnje dvorište. Kultivisan teren se otvara ka južnim i zapadnim frontovima kompleksa, spajajući ga sa okolnim pejzažom. Dva glavna objekta okružuju zelenu površinu, poluprivatnu oblast koja usklađuje proizvodno sa administrativnim jezgrom. Hrast, posađen u sredini unutrašnjeg dvorišta, definiše poslednji prirodni element dizajna. Materijalnost i priroda prostora prekidaju fluidnost kancelarijske oblasti, kreirajući na taj način intimniju vezu između prirode i čoveka. Dvorište obogaćuje unutrašnji prostor ponašajući se kao produžetak okolnog pejzaža. Parking u obliku polumeseca takođe redefiniše koncept pejzaža. Oblast rezervisana za vozila smeštena je unutar kružnog prstena, blago ukopana u odnosu na autoput, da bi ublažila vizuelni uticaj koji on ima na projekat.

ODRŽIVOST. U odnosu na pejzaž, fokus projekta je razvijan u skladu sa ekološkom održivošću. Krov jezgra napravljen je od fotovoltaičnih panela koji pokrivaju površinu od oko 2.000 m2² i koji proizvode dovoljnu količinu energije neophodne objektu. Pratik, projektovan kao “classe A+” (ekvivalent mu je LEED platinum) je dovoljan sam po sebi. Fotovoltaična tehnologija je sakrivena od pogleda arhitekturom koja drži panele na krovu. Na osnovu nekoliko studija o unutrašnjem prostoru dizajniranom da ne šteti zdravstvenom stanju ljudi koji ga koriste, kao i studijama o taktikama za uštedu energije, Pratik je napravio solarne ekrane za kancelarijsko i proizvodno jezgro, integrisane u arhitekturu. U ovom kontekstu, “plutajući hlad” osim definisanja karaktera objekta je i neophodan element za kontrolu klime jer podržava filtriranje ekrana i ublažava direktan uticaj sunčevih zraka na kancelarijski prostor. Pejzaž, svetlost i održiva energija su ključni elementi za razumevanje dizajna novog sedišta firme Pratik. To je industrijska arhitektura u svom najboljem izdanju. Kompleks ima sposobnost sjedinjavanja sa svojim okruženjem, dozvoljavajući terenu, sunčevoj svetlosti i planinama da formiraju i pozadinu i pročelje njegove kompozicije.

GEZA u projektu za novo sedište i proizvodni kompleks Pratika prenosi i redefiniše ideju industrijskog prostora, prikazujući mogućnost da se u projektu iskombinuju aspekti koje je ova arhitektonska firma razvijala i proučavala u svom radu, pogotovo u oblasti stambenih projekata. Kvalitet dizajna pejzaža i arhitektonskih detalja proističe iz ove kombinacije i daje primer inovativnog razmišljanja i tehnike. Đovani Damijani, čuveni arhitektonski kritičar se slaže sa ovom konstatacijom: “U radu arhitektonske firme GEZA kroz tehnike koje se koriste pri projektovanju, promene koje se mogu pratiti u fasadama ili, što je najvažnije, u načinu na koji se prostor i detalji razvijaju, postoji stalno podsećanje na pedesete godine dvadesetog veka. Neutre, Elvud i ponekad Soriano nisu više Gospodari čije tehnike služe kao primer, već su postali “kompanjoni” na koje projekat upućuje u pogledu detalja, rešenja, spojeva i na kraju, načina da konstruišu i spoje prostore.”

Damijani opisuje arhitekturu firme GEZA kao arhitekturu koja predstavlja arhitektino “opsesivno obraćanje pažnje na detalje koji ukazuju na darovitost i majstorstvo umetnika čije temeljne i stroge metode postaju evidentne čak i na crtežima konstrukcije namenjenim radnicima na gradilištu”.
“Uzajamno delovanje arhitekture i suvoparnog rečnika serijske proizvodnje stvaraju jedinstven i nežan jezik kroz projekat pri davanju izvesnih, iako nepredviđenih, predloga o pejzažu i celokupnoj intervenciji”.
Marko Brizi na sve ovo dodaje:” Čini se da se ideja o pejzažu koji projekat predviđa manifestuje na svim nivoima. Primeri se mogu videti u upotrebi materijala kao što je kamen korišćen za finalnu obradu panela koji zbog premaza crnim oksidom izgledaju još apstraktnije, i aludiraju na ideju da se priroda treba povinovati zakonima industrije. Ovo je još uočljivije u realizaciji teritorijalnih oznaka poput parkinga u obliku polumeseca ili u direktnoj suprotstavljenosti između objekata i teritorije, koja je izražena u plutajućem hladu i gredama koje pokrivaju deo objekta sa kancelarijama, i obe su elementi koji izgledaju kao da se šire u beskraj, ka kultivisanim poljima Faganje”.

Project Name: New Headquarters and Production Complex for Pratic, Fagagna, Udine, Italy
Architects: GEZA Gri e Zucchi Architetti Associati
Location: Fagagna, Udine, Italy
Photographer: Fernando Guerra | FG+SG fotografia de arquitectura
Use: factory: 10.000 mq; offices: 1.000 mq; showroom: 550 mq; loading docks: 2.700 mq; parking: 120 spots; landscape: 33.000 mq;
Complete year: 2011

The inauguration for the new headquarters and production complex of Pratic,a company specialized in the manufacture of curtain systems, has recently takenplace in Fagagna a town located in the province of Udine. The complex placed adjacent to the provincial highway that leads from Udine to Spilimbergo, was designed and built by GEZA (architects Stefano Gri and Piero Zucchi).

The intervention is composed principally of: a main volume, a parallelepiped with a surface of approximately 10,000 m2 that houses the main productive core; a second volume of about 1000 m2 placed adjacent to the first but rotated 15 degrees in order to align with the highway is dedicated to the offices; a parking lot for 100 cars; a loading dock and service area of approximately 2,700 m2; a garden space of about 33,000 m2. In addition spaces dedicated to communication, showrooms, break rooms and open communal and private areas are housed in the buildings in order to accommodate the daily activities of the workers. The complex, anchored in the industrial zone of the town, is also intimately tied to the surrounding agricultural landscape through different aspects of its design; thus ultimately forming part of the mountainscape characteristic of the region.

SIMPLE DARK BODIES. The project is infused with a strong desire for simplicity. The dry and elemental nature of the structure, the colors and even the interaction with the landscape are testament to this principle. Regardless of its dark and silent nature, the complex manages to become an icon for the passerby. The volume housing the offices becomes a striking sign even to those driving by on the highway, one that seeks to establish a dialogue between the concepts of stasis and movement. The production core’s more pronounced verticality is characterized by a striated façade dominated by alternating glazed surfaces and solid panels of diverse widths that are always ten meters in height. The differing dimensions of black marble stone and dark cement that make up the finish of the panels allow for a varied façade alive with the interplay of sunlight, shadow and changing atmospheric conditions.

CANTILEVERED SHADOW. The office core is protected on the south side by a dark concrete beam of grand dimensions (approximately 80 meters in length) that highlights at a larger scale the horizontality of certain elements of the project. The beam, parallel to the ground, projects beyond the building’s perimeter as if to indicate a confrontation between itself and the landscape. Its reflection on the glazed façade yields a great “floating shade” that serves a climatic function by mediating temperature within the work spaces.

THREE NATURES. The organization of the programs housed within the headquarters of Pratic tends to establisha non hierarchical rapport between the spaces and instead privileges a greater quality of integration between the built environments. Every function is instilled with a sense of clarity and rigor, from the loading dock area to the space planning of the offices. This simplicity can even be understood in terms of the project’s interaction with the surrounding context, which was carefully designed by GEZA through three gestures: the cultivated terrain, the garden and the patio. The cultivated terrain opens towards the southern and western fronts of the complex, merging it with the landscape. The two main buildings straddle the garden, a semi-private area that reconciles the production core with that of the administration. An oak tree, planted in the middle of a patio, defines the last natural element of the design. The materiality and nature of the space interrupts the fluidity of the office core, thus creating a more intimate relationship between nature and man. The patio enriches the interior spaces by acting as an extension of the surrounding landscape that overcomes the feeling of interiority of the offices. The crescent design of the parking lot also redefines the concept of landscape. The area reserved for vehicles is situated within a circular perimeter slightly buried in respect to the highway in order to buffer the visual impact this has on the project.

SUSTAINABILITY. The design’s focus on landscape is also developed in terms of environmental sustainability. The production core’s roof is composed of a series of photovoltaic panels that cover a surface of approximately 2,300 m2 that generate a greater amount of energy than is necessary to run the building. Pratic, designed as a “classe A+” (the equivalent of a LEED platinum) certified structure, is self-sufficient. The photovoltaic technology is usually hidden from sight by the architecture that holds the panels in place on the roof. Based on several studies regarding the general health of interior spaces and energy saving tactics, Pratic developed solar screens integrated into the architecture for the offices and the production core. In this context, the “floating shade”, besides defining the character of the building, is an element indispensable to climate control since it supports the filtering screens and modulates most of the direct sunlight the offices are subject to throughout the seasons.Landscape, light, and sustainable energy are the key elements to understand the design for the headquarters of Pratic. It’s industrial architecture at its best. The complex manages to have an affinity to its surrounding environment, allowing the terrain, the sunlight, and the mountains to form both the background and foreground of its composition.

GEZA, in the project for the New Headquarters and Production Complex for PRATIC, reinterprets and redefines the notion of industrial space by exhibiting a capacity to combine in the project aspects the firm has been continuously developing and exploring in previous work and research, especially that concerning the design of residential projects. The quality of landscape design and architectonic detail arises from this combination to ultimately create an example of innovative thinking and technique. Giovanni Damiani, a prominent architectural critic, agrees, “In the work of GEZA there are continuous reminders of the 50s, whether it’s through the techniques employed to design, in changes that may be traced through the facades, or more importantly in the manner in which spaces and details are developed…Neutra, Ellwood, and at times Soriano are no longer Masters whose techniques serve as distant examples, but have become the companions to whom the project refers in terms of details, solutions, joints, and, in the end, of ways to construct and stitch together spaces”. Damiani describes GEZA’s architecture as one that exhibits the architects’ “obsessive attention to detail, reminiscent of the ability and worksmanship of artisans, whose thorough and rigorous methods became evident even at the scale of construction drawings that were practically self-explanatory to the workers on site”.


“The interplay between architecture and the dry vocabulary of prefabrication creates a unique and sensitive language throughout the project whilst introducing, although unforeseen, certain suggestions about the landscape and the overall intervention”. So states Marco Brizzi, “The notion of a landscape that organizes the project seems to manifest on all levels. Examples of this are seen in the use of materials like the rock utilized for the finish of the panels, rendered more abstract by the black oxide, alludes to the notion of a nature that must acquiesce to the demands of industry. It is even more evident in the realization of territorial signs, such as the crescent of the parking lot, or in the direct confrontation between the building and the territory that is expressed in the floating shade and the beams that cover the office core, both are elements that seem to extend infinitely towards the cultivated fields of Fagagna”.

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