Poslovni objekat Požeška 118 / Office building 118 Požeška street

Projektovano: 2008/09. god.
Autor i glavni projektant: Mustafa Musić
Projektanti saradnici:  Ela Nešić, Vanja Panić, Aleksandra Kirn, Jelena Krupež, Mirjana Todorović, Boris Vasović
Projektni biro: «ZENIT – inženjering», Beograd

Velika naselja van centra Beograda, izuzimajući Novi Beograd, odnosno njegove delove, su ekskluzivno izuzeti od prisustva arhitekture za koju se može reći da je značajna po bilo kom aspektu. Razlog za to može biti još uvek nedovoljna cena lokacije tj. atraktivnost za investitora. Ali, zar nije na arhitekti da iskoristi svaku moguću priliku da pomeri granice razmišljanja i da svaki ambijent pokuša da učini bar malo boljim, nego što je to bio slučaj pre njegovog dolaska. Ovde smo odlučili da vam prikažemo još jedan u seriji projekata od istog autora, beogradskog arhitekte Mustafe Musića, čiju seriju projekata smo počeli da objavljujemo od prošlog broja. Projekat ovog poslovnog objekta je upravo u suprotnosti sa pomenutim uobičajenim arhitektonskim shvatanjem predgrađa.

O konceptu projekta autor kaže: “Forma objekta dervirana je iz uklapanja objekta u kontekst, ali ujedno i formiranjem funkcionalne šeme korišćenja, stvarajući na taj način savremeni iskaz. Objekat se sa sve tri strane koje se oblikovno tretiraju „oblači“ u specifičnu izlomljenu opnu, koja je pritom podeljena, isečena horizontalnim pojasevima. Na ovaj način formiran je dinamičan i, pre svega, zanimljiv objekat koji se transformiše tokom dana zbog činjenice da senka igra značajnu ulogu u sveukupnom doživljaju.“


Designed: 2008/09
Author and main designer: Mustafa Musić
Associate designers:   Ela Nešić, Vanja Panić, Aleksandra Kirn, Jelena Krupež, Mirjana Todorović, Boris Vasović
Design bureau: «ZENIT – engineering», Belgrade

Large settlements outside of Belgrade city – center, regardless of New Belgrade and its parts, are exclusively excluded from architecture which should be significant from every point of view. The reason for this could be found in insufficient location’s price or scarce attractiveness to investors. Is it not that the architect should use every opportunity to move the limits of thinking and try to make each ambience better than it was before his involvement? We decided to show you here one more design by the same author, Mr Mustafa Music, Belgrade architect whose designs we have already started to publish as of previous issue. The design of the commercial object is directly contrasted to the already mentioned common architectural understanding of outskirts.

The author says on the design’s concept: “Form of the object was derived from fitting into the context at the same time with formation of functional usage scheme creating in that way a contemporary declaration. Observing all three shaped treated sides of the object, it is perceived that the object “clothes itself“in a specific broken membrane which is separated and cut by horizontal belts. In this way, the object became dynamic and interesting with ability for transformation during the day because of the fact that game of the shadows plays a significant role in an overall experience.“


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