Artlands je program novih oblika izgradnje teritorije nastao kao rezultat delovanja biologa po imenu Carlo Scoccianti, eksperta i WWF specijaliste koji se bavi radom na izmeni pejzaža i predela iniciran tehničkom i ekološkom ekspertizom bez presedana, i koji se, još 1996. godine, posvetio stvaranju boljih uslova oblasti Firentinske zaravni. “Na mojim lokacijama”, piše Carlo Scoccianti, “ljudi su korisnici ali nisu važniji od drugih živih bića, i mogu da deluju u skladu sa ličnim interpretativnim modelom. Promenljiva istrajnost svih ovih mogućih odnosa čini moje lokacije savršeno potpunim.”

Promovisan od strane WWF-a (World Wildlife Fund), upravni organ ovog sistema novih lokacija, ARTLANDS je oformljen u saradnji sa Provincijom Firence, opštinama Campi Bisenzio i Lastra a Signa, Univerzitetom u Firenci, Centrom savremene umetnosti Luigi Pecci u mestu Prato, tri Konzorcijuma za amelioraciju obrađivanih područja, organizacijama Quadrifoglio, Publiacqua i L’Isola dei Renai, a organizovan je od strane udruženja Image (

Cilj projekta ARTLANDS ( je da pokrene brojna istraživanja, izučavanja i procene ideja za uređenje zemljišta kao i akcije koje mogu nastati iz tih izuzetnih iskustava, u periodu od danas pa do kraja 2013. godine. Ove ideje prikazane su 18. maja 2012. godine u Luigi Pecci centru za savremenu umetnost u mestu Prato, Viale della Repubblica 277. Predavanja su održali Alan Sonfist (umetnik), Marco Bazzini (direktor Pecci centra), Gianni Pettena (arhitekta i umetnik), Pietro Valle (arhitekta) i Carlo Scoccianti (biolog). Alan Sonfist je takođe držao konferenciju o svom radu 19. maja u mestu Lastra a Signa, Villa Caruso.

U okviru programa ARTLANDS, 20. maja u mestu Campi Bisenzio, Oasi Stagni di Focognano, održana je prezentacija rada pod nazivom „Iza Agnes Denes (omaž)“, kojom je otvorena nova velika močvarna oblast posvećena američkoj umetnici, pioniru konceptualne pejzažne umetnosti. Lokacije obuhvaćene projektom i izmene predela koje uvodi ARTLANDS program postale su otvorene zone koje će biti aktivne sledećih nekoliko meseci. Radionice i laboratorije koje vodi Carlo Scoccianti otvorene su za studente, diplomce i volontere.

Fotografije: Carlo Scoccianti

Artlands program towards new forms of constructing the territory, is developed around the activities of Carlo Scoccianti, biologist, expert and WWF specialist involved in works to alter the landscape stemming from unprecedented technical and environmental expertise and who, since 1996, has dedicated himself to the creation of a new lease of life for some areas of the Florentine plane. „In my sites,“ writes Carlo Scoccianti, „humans are the users but they are on a par with all the other living beings and each acts according to their own interpretative model. The variable persistence of all these possible relationships makes my work sites perfectly complete in themselves.“

Promoted by WWF, the management body of this system of new locations, ARTLANDS is made in collaboration with the Province of Florence, the Municipalities of Campi Bisenzio and Lastra a Signa, the University of Florence, the Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Arts in Prato, the three Land Reclamation Consortia involved with the areas in question, Quadrifoglio, Publiacqua and L’Isola dei Renai and organized by Image

The ARTLANDS ( project aims to develop, from now until the end of 2013, a multitude of observations, interpretations and accounts of landscape ideas and forms that can be developed from this extraordinary experience, and they were presented on 18 May 2012 at the Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Arts in Viale della Repubblica 277, Prato. Speakers were Alan Sonfist (artist), Marco Bazzini (director of the Pecci Center), Gianni Pettena (architect and artist), Pietro Valle (architect) and Carlo Scoccianti (biologist). Alan Sonfist also held a conference on his work on 19 May at Villa Caruso in Lastra a Signa.

As part of the ARTLANDS program, on 20 May, at the Oasi Stagni di Focognano in Campi Bisenzio, there was the presentation of the work entitled „Beyond Agnes Denes (homage to)“, which inaugurated a new large wetland area dedicated to the American artist, one of the pioneers of environmental art. The locations of the works and alterations to the land covered by the ARTLANDS program became Open Sites and they will function over the next few months: widespread laboratories will be guided by Carlo Scoccianti and they are open to students, recent graduates and volunteers.

Photo: Carlo Scoccianti

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