Hartera Hotel i Vivi Rinocerus Projekt
Autori: Damir Martinović Mrle, Idis Turato, Tina Šerić, Janko Jelić
Hartera Festival, Rijeka, 2009-2011.


U sklopu Hartera festivala 2009. godine pojavila se potreba za realizacijom smještajnih kapaciteta za goste festivala, ali unutar prostora stare tvornice papira. Prvobitna namjera organizatora bila je pronaći prostor za kamp sa 100 šatora za iz godine u godinu sve veći broj posjetitelja izvan grada Rijeke. I našli su ga, ne na livadi ili u šumarku, već na dvije etaže prekrasne tvorničke hale, gdje je reciklažom raznog vrsta zatečenoh materijala, glomaznog otpada i naplavljenog drveta uz stotine sati rada stvoren Hartera Hotel. Ovaj kompleks koji sadrži razne sadržaje vezane uz festival rasprostrio se na gotovo 1000 kvadratnih metara koji se dosada nisu imali prilike vidjeti od strane posjetioca festivala. U razmišljanjima što gostima dodatno ponuditi kako nikada ne bi zaboravili svoj boravak na Harteri, rodile su se ideje o kupatilu, svetištu, muzeju i osobitom lounge prostoru, naravno na specifični, Hartera način. Tako je za potrebe kupatila izgrađen posebni prolaz koji vodi na plažu u koritu rijeke Rječine (na mjestu postojećeg starog graničnog stupa između Italije i Jugoslavije), na mjesto na koje ljudska noga ranije nije kročila. Gosti Hartere uživali su tako u tuširanju u nevjerojatnom ambijentu unutar bivšeg industrijskog kompleksa iz 19. stoljeća, tik uz izvor pitke vode! Na putu do kupatila, gosti prolaze kroz atraktivni dio postave jedinog hrvatskog muzeja (jedan od 3 na svijetu) starih kompjutera Peek&Poke, a stara su računala bila slobodna za korištenje i prisjećanje na pionirske dane kompjuterske revolucije. Elektro Svetište, smješteno u zabačenom tunelu koji asocira na samostanske zidine, posebna je priča. Sama velika dvorana Hartera Hotela spoj je in-door kampa, hotela, složenog i projektiranom od ručno izrađenog namještaja i začudnih separea osvjetljena je sa 12 ogromnih rotacionih PVC lustera koji pod UV rasvjetom stvaraju neviđen ambijent i pozadinu koja je pored hotela i treći Harterin floor. Za potrebe izrade site-specific namještaja Hartera Hotela dopremljene su tone i tone naplavljenog drveta sa istarske plaže Tunarica.

Vivi Rinocerus

Vivi Rinocerus je projekat inicijalno nastao temeljem priče iz uma Damira Martinovića Mrleta, koja za osnovni cilj ima postaviti okvir i mogućnost za kreiranje novih likova kao prvih stanovnika Hartere, za koje su predhodno izgrađene i isprojektirane prikladne nastambe. Unutar tako postavljenih okvira koji definiraju prostor za obitavanje, te postojećeg scenarija zamišljene priče kreiraju se likovi. U sklopu festivala Hartera 2011 izabrana galerija likova iz predložene priče, koji su oblikovani temeljem javnog natječaja za likovnu interpretaciju stanovnika izrađenih nastambi iz priče ViVi Rinocerus. Raznolikost i bogatstvo mogućnosti projekta ViVi Rinocerus posebno je vidljiva u profesijama njenih sudionika: studenti likovne akademije, studenti arhitekture, informatičari, elektotehničari, majstori, radnici, glazbenici i glumci. Natječaj za vizualna rješenja je završen te je iznjedrio briljantne uratke nagrađenih autora Tee Stražičić i Sebastiana Saganića.

Donosimo dio priče Damira Martinovića Mrleta koja je potaknula mlade kreativce na izradu stripa i scenarija, a za čije su glavne protagoniste predhodno izvedene kućice.

Nastanak srebrne ruke

U samom trenutku Isusova uskrsnuća, slučajno, Isusova ruka dotakne kamen i na njemu ostane otisak. Otisak Isusove ruke. Grupa atomskih fizičara slučajno dolazi do kamena te uz komplicirane atomske eksperimente stvara odljev otiska. Mjesto radnje je rudnik srebra i to neobični rudnik koji posjeduje duboke srebrne žile koje sežu i šire se po cijelom svijetu do najvažnijih energetskih točaka planeta. Radio valovi Isusove relikvije putujući kroz srebrne žile rudnika mogu i imaju cilj kontrolirati te zamrzavati ljudsku podsvjest što je negativni cilj fizičara. Atomska fizičarka Vivi Rinocerus shvativši opseg monstruozne namjere svojih kolega da negativno iskoriste radio valove organizira diverziju. Pokušaj krađe relikvije završava neslavno – ViVi biva otkrivena no uspjeva pobjeći. Nekoliko dana kasnije u rudniku dolazi do eksplozije. Relikvija Isusove ruke završava u rijeci i dolazi u posjed plemena Trntr. Ne znajući čemu predmet služi poklanjaju ga svojoj prijateljici ViVi. Prilikom bijega od grupe svojih bivših kolega, ViVi sreće Zuma Sudara s kojim nastavlja putovanje do riječke Hartere. Zajednički izgrađuju konzolu RADIO ISUS koja im služi za prelazak u dimenziju podsvijesti…

Hartera Hotel and Vivi Rinocerus Project
Authors: Damir Martinović Mrle, Idis Turato, Tina Šerić, Janko Jelić
Hartera Festival, Rijeka, 2009-2011

Organising the Hartera festival in 2009 included the implementation of accommodation capacities for the guests within the space of the old paper factory. The original intention of the organizers was to find the space for a camp with 100 tents for the increasing number of visitors coming from outside the city of Rijeka. The suitable area was found, not on a meadow or in the woods, but in the beautiful factory hall where, after hundreds of hours of work, Hartera Hotel was created out of various recycled materials found at the site, bulky waste and deluge driftwood. This complex which contains a variety of program elements, spreads out through 1000m2 space that has never been seen before by the visitors of the festival. Considering what else the Hartera hotel could offer in order to ensure a memorable stay for its guests, we conceived ideas of a bathroom, a shrine, a museum and a special lounge area – the specific places in the Hartera hotel. The bathroom space was connected, through specially made passageway, to the beach of the river Rječina – the place of the old boundary pillar between Italy and Yugoslavia, the place where no one has been before. The guests of Hartera enjoyed their showers in an incredible atmosphere inside the former industrial complex from the 19th century, right next to the source of fresh water! On the way to the bathroom, guests were passing next to the segment of the setting of the rare Museum of the old computers “Peek & Poke” of Croatia (there are only three in the world), and they were free to use the computers and remember the pioneering days of the computer revolution. Electro Sanctuary, situated in a remote tunnel, that associates one with the monastery walls, is a special project. The large hall of the Hartera hotel is the combination of the in-door camp, hotel, designed and furnished with the handmade furniture, and the wondrous booths illuminated with the 12 enormous rotating PVC chandelier which under the UV illumination create an unprecedented environment and background next to the hotel and the third floor of the Hartera. For the purpose of manufacturing of the site-specific furniture, tones and tones of deluge driftwood were delivered from the Istrian beach Tunarica.

Vivi Rinocerus

Vivi Rinocerus is a project initially generated on the basis of the Damir Martinović Mrle’s idea of setting the framework and the possibility of defining the new characters as the first inhabitants of the Hartera for who the suitable habitats had previously been designed and built. Within this framework, that defines habitat space and the existing scenario of the imaginary story, the characters are created. The gallery of the characters was chosen at the public competition for the artistic interpretation of the inhabitants of the built habitat from the story – Vivi Rinocerus.The diversity of the possibilities of the ViVi Rinocerus project is especially visible when we look at the professions of its participants: students of fine arts academy, students of architecture and engineering, craftsmen, workers, musicians and actors. The competition for the visual solutions closed and the results were the brilliant works of the winning authors – Tea Stražičić and Sebastjan Saganić.

Here is the segment of the Damir Martinović Mrle’s story that encouraged young creative people to create the scenario and the comic for whose protagonists the houses were previously designed and built.

Origin of the silver hand

At the time of Jesus’ resurrection, the hand of Jesus accidentally touched the stone and made the impression. The impression of the Jesus’ hand. A group of atomic physicists came upon the stone by accident, and by the means of complicated atomic experiments created the casting of the impression. Everything happens in the silver mine, an unusual mine, which has deep silver vessels that spread all over the world and reach the planet’s most important energy points. The radio waves of the Jesus’ relic traveling through the silver lodes of the mine could control and freeze human subconsciousness. That was the malicious intention of the physicists. Atomic physicist Vivi Rinocerus realizing the scope of the monstrous intentions of her colleagues, organised the diversion. An attempt to steal the relic had gone wrong and Vivi got caught but she managed to escape. A few days later, in the mine, an explosion occurs. The relic of the Jesus’ hand ended in the river and the members of the tribe Trntr came in the possession of the object. Not knowing the purpose of the object, they gave it as a gift to their friend Vivi. During the escape from the group of her ex colleagues, Vivi encounters Zuma Sudar and, together with him, she continues her journey to the Hartera in Rijeka. Together they constructed the console RADIO JESUS that served them for the transition into the dimension of the subconsciousness …

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