MoMA Tower

Axis Mundi Design LLC
Visina: oko 180m
Spratovi: 50 iznad, 2 ispod zemlje
Projektantski tim: John Beckmann, CarloMaria Ciampoli, James Coleman (LAN), Nick Messerlian, Pauline Marie d’Avigneau, i Taina Pichon
Parametarsko modelovanje: CarloMaria Ciampoli, James Coleman (LAN)
Rendering: Orchid 3D
Ilustracije: Michael Wartella

Axis Mundi Design predložio je konceptualno alternativno rešenje za objekat u ulici West 53, projekat solitera u jednom od najizgrađenijih delova grada New Yorka. Axis Mundi tim odlučio se da promisli dizajn visokih zgrada koje su postale sinonim za identitet grada.

Vertikalni blokovi
Umesto prikrivanja različitih sadržaja solitera u jednoj homogenoj formi , studio Axis Mundi izražava tu raznolikost putem reorganizovanja strukture i na taj način stvara novi identitet visokih zgrada u vidu skupa prepoznatljivih elemenata: stambenih jedinica, kvartova, ulica.

Ovaj arhitektonski diverzitet omogućava element – dvostruki prsten, jedinica koja se niže oko dva jezgra koja se pružaju duž cele visine objekta i sadrže liftove, stepenice i ostale servisne prostore. Jedinice u vidu prstena, nazvane “SmartBlocks”, omogućavaju razne varijacije osnova. Kombinovanjem ovih jedinica dobija se vertikalna razuđena forma koja se nepravilno menja duž cele visine. Ovo omogućava prodor svetla i vetra do otvorenih centralnih zona, kao i spektakularne i teatralne poglede na grad koje omogućava sama struktura objekta.

Ovaj predlog sugeriše nove ekspresivne forme za urbanu strukturu različitosti a ne homogenosti. U gradu u kome se govori više od 300 jezika, arhitektura može da veliča taj diverzitet umesto da ga smatra problemom koji treba rešiti.

Axis Mundi Design LLC
Height: approx. 600 ft.
Floors: 50 above, 2 below
Building Footprint: 17,000 sq. ft.
MoMA Expansion Galleries: 32,500 sq. ft.
Design Team: John Beckmann, CarloMaria Ciampoli, James Coleman (LAN), Nick Messerlian, Pauline Marie d’Avigneau, and Taina Pichon
Parametric Modeling: CarloMaria Ciampoli, James Coleman (LAN)
Renderings: Orchid 3D
Illustration: Michael Wartella

As the city takes stock in a post-boom era, Axis Mundi sees this as the time to rethink the tall buildings that have become synonymous with New York City’s identity, proposing a conceptual alternative to 53W53rd, among the city’s largest skyscraper projects in one of the most overbuilt parts of Midtown.

The Vertical Neighborhood
Instead of disguising the tower’s mix of uses by containing them within a unitary, homogeneous form, the Axis Mundi design expresses that diversity in a re-organized way, reflecting an emerging reality for tall buildings as collections of domestic elements: dwellings, neighborhoods, streets.

This architectural diversity starts with a double-ring, multi-level floor-plan unit, anchored by two cores that run the full height of the building, containing elevators, stairs and other vertical services. The ring units, called “SmartBlocks” make possible a wide variety of floor plans. By varying the mix of units, the design leaves space for vertical fissures that move irregularly up the tower. These bring light and breezes into the open centers and frame spectacular, theatrical vistas to the city through the building’s own structure.

This proposal suggests new expressive possibilities in an urbanism of difference rather than of homogeneity. In a city where more than 300 languages are spoken, architecture can celebrate that diversity rather than see it as a problem that must be solved.


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