Novo sedište kompanije Red Bull / Red Bull new headquarters

Arhitekti: Sid Lee Architecture
Lokacija: Amsterdam, Holandija
Klijenti: Red Bull Holandija
Vizuelni identitet i grafika: Sid Lee
Izvođač: Fiction Factory
Nameštaj: 2D&W
Godina projekta: 2010.
Površina: 875 m2
Fotografije: Ewout Huibers

Pronašli smo idealno mesto za sedište kompanije Red Bull Amsterdam pored podmornice u staroj luci severno od Amsterdama. Urbana i nekonvencionalna, ova postavka obraća se uličnoj kulturi koliko i intenzitetu ekstremnih sportova. Naš cilj bio je da postavimo brutalnu jednostavnost industrijske zgrade zajedno sa mitskom, inspirativnom prirodom Red Bulla koja poziva ljude da stvaraju. Unutar objekta izrazili smo dualitet prostora, krećući se od crne do bele, od javnog do privatnog, od posla do igre.

Architects: Sid Lee Architecture
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Clients: Red Bull Netherlands
Acrhitectural Design: Sid Lee Architecture
Visual Identity and Graphics: Sid Lee
Builders: Fiction Factory
Furniture: 2D&W
Project Year: 2010
Project Area: 875 sqm
Photographs: Ewout Huibers

We found the ideal home for Red Bull Amsterdam alongside a retired U-boat in a former shipping yard, just north of Amsterdam. Urban and offbeat, this setting speaks as much to street culture as it does to the intensity of extreme sports. Our goal was to juxtapose the brutal simplicity of an industrial building with the mythical, inspirational nature of Red Bull that invites people to perform. Inside, we express the duality of space, shifting from black to white, from public to private, from work to play.

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