Događaj Velonotte osnovao je istoričar Sergej Nikitin u Moskvi 2007. godine sa ciljem promocije i valorizacije urbanog okruženja i istorije. Jednogodišnji neprofitni događaj prezentuje ljudima iz čitavog sveta znamenite i manje poznate spomenike i obeležja gradova.

Zbog velike zainteresovanosti i na zahtev mnogih učesnika, projekat je proširen van Rusije. 2010. godine održana je prva evropska manifestacija – Velonotte Roma.

Velnotte New York održan je 1. oktobra 2011. godine.
Storefront for Art and Architecture imao je ulogu domaćina uvodnog dela Velnotte događaja u New Yorku, projekta koji pretvara gradove u noćne muzeje na otvorenom gde se ture izvode na biciklu. U okviru uvodnog događaja posetioci su mogli da se besplatno registruju i informišu, kao i da vide kratku prezentaciju bivših događaja u Rimu i Sankt Peterburgu i isečak iz dokumentarnog filma o Moskovskom Velnotte događaju. Na uvodnoj manifestaciji govorili su Vladimir Papernyj, Sergei Choban, Alexander Neratoff, Marina Avdonina i drugi saradnici.


VELONIGHT NYC događaj transformisao je grad New York u muzej na otvorenom u kome se eksponati sagledavaju putem bicikl ture uz audio obješnjenja o urbanističkoj i kulturnoj istoriji grada koja su prenosili vodiči, arhitekte i istoričari arhitekture i umetnosti među kojima su Jean Louis Cohen, Peter Eisenman, Ken Jackson, Rem Koolhas, Guy Nordenson i drugi.
Komentari stručnjaka uživo su prenošeni putem radio frekvencije koju su učesnici pratili preko slušalica.
Glavna fokusna zona ekspedicije u New Yorku sa 20 zaustavljanja bio je Menhetn. Tokom vožnje učesnici su posetili ikone ali i neuspešne primere arhitekture, urbanizma i kulture New Yorka.
Događaj je zabeležen u vidu dokumentarnog filma u proizvodnji Firma Films kompanije.


Velonotte was created in Moscow in 2007 by historian Sergey Nikitin and Co. to promote and valorize urbanistics, landscape and history. It is an annual non-profit event that presents both lesser-known and key city monuments and landscapes to hundreds of people from all over the world.
Due to popular demand and many requests from our participants, we’ve decided to expand our project: Velonotte Roma 2010 was the first European action.

Another Velnotte event took place on October 1, 2011 in New York.
Storefront for Art and Architecture hosted the kick-off for the first VELONOTTE New York event, a project which turns cities into nocturnal open air museums experienced on a bike. The kick-off event provided information and registration for free to all visitors. It consisted of a short presentation about past Velonights in Rome and St. Petersburg and excerpts from a documentary film about the Moscow Velonotte with contributions from Vladimir Papernyj, Sergei Choban, Alexander Neratoff, Marina Avdonina and participant commentators of the New York Velonight.


VELONIGHT NYC transformed New York into an open-air museum accessed by bicycle with an audio guide through New York’s urban and cultural history, including commentary from architects, architectural and cultural historians, including Jean Louis Cohen, Peter Eisenman, Ken Jackson, Rem Koolhas, Guy Nordenson and others.
The expert’s comments was transmitted live to the participants earphones on a proprietary radio frequency.
This 20 stop expedition focused on Manhattan. Participants visited icons (and failures) of New York’s architecture, urban policy and social/cultural life.
The event was recorded as a documentary film by Firma Films Company.


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