Proširenje teritorije / Territorijal EXPANSION

Kada pričamo o razumevanju teritorije u arhitekturi i njenih potreba ali i novih mogućnosti, nezaobilazna tema je proširenje građevinske teritorije na nešto na čemu do sada nije stvarana arhitektura, i što nije uzimano u obzir kao potencijalna građevinska površina. Dobar početak u stvaranju arhitekture je ako možemo imati još nešto što nam može pomoći da objekat bude kvalitetniji i interesantniji, a to je svakako atipična građevinska parcela, u ovom slučaju uz ili na vodi.
Primer Holandije i povećavanje građevinske površine u toj zemlji je opšte poznat slučaj. Isušivanje terena je do skoro jedini prihvaćeni primer na koji način se dolazilo do novih parcela sve do danas. Savremena arhitektura je u potrazi za atraktivnijim ali i jeftinijim rešenjima, a to može biti gradnja na vodi.

Proširenje na račun vodene površine ima svoju potporu i u procesu globalnog zagrevanja. Obzirom da će se u narednih 200 godina potencijalna građevinska površina smanjiti, potpuno je opravdano da najmanje isto toliko uzmemo nazad od vodene teritorije, i to naročito zbog toga što će potreba za građevinskom površinom rasti. Ono što je nesrazmera je to što će se najverovatnije formiranje nove teritorije desiti u već razvijenim urbanističkim sredinama kao prirodna potreba za proširenjem, dok će danas neizgrađene sredine to i ostati.
U ovom broju prikazujemo najinteresantnije projekte holandskog biroa Waterstudio koji je specijalizovan za ovu vrstu arhitekture i čini se da je najdalje otišao do realizacije realnih projekata čiji život se zasniva na vodenoj površini.

Tekst: Marko Stojčić

Morsko drvo
Arhitekta-konceptualni dizajn: Koen Olthuis, Waterstudio.NL
Slike: Architect Koen Olthuis – Waterstudio.NL
21. dec. 2011.

Urbanizacija i klimatske promene dosta utiču na zelene površine u gradskim centrima. Nove inicijative za formiranje novih dodatnih parkovskih zona u gradu su vrlo retke. Ipak, ovakva dodatna staništa za ptice, pčele, slepe miševe i druge male životinje, mogu imati mnoge pozitivne efekte na životnu sredinu grada.

Waterstudio je osmislio novi koncept zelenih čvorišta velike gustine u gradu – koncept morskog drveta. Morsko drvo predstavlja plutajuću strukturu koju čine lejeri zelenih habitata životinjskog sveta. Ono nije dostupno čoveku. Izgradnja ove strukture podrazumeva ‘offshore’ (priobalnu) tehnologiju, sličnu onoj koja se koristi za naftne tankove-tornjeve koji se mogu naći na otvorenom moru. Ideja predlaže da velike naftne kompanije doniraju morsko drvo gradu kako bi pokazale brigu o životnoj sredini korišćenjem sopstvene intelektualne svojine. Adekvatni prostori za morsko drveće mogu se naći na rekama, morima, jezerima, čak i u lukama. Visina i dubina morskog drveta može se podesiti u zavisnosti od karakteristika lokacije. Struktura drveta se blago pomera sa vetrom i usidrena je za dno sistemom kablova. Podvodni deo morskog drveta služi kao stanište za mala vodena stvorenja ili, čak, ukoliko postoje odgovarajući klimatski uslovi, za veštačke koralne grebene. Kvalitet dizajna ogleda se u činjenici da projekat daje funkcionalno rešenje i ne zahteva skup prostor na kopnu, a pozitivni efekat koji doprinose vrste ovog novog habitata osećao bi se kilometrima od mesta sidrenja.

Koliko smo upoznati ova plutajuća kula biće prvi plutajući objekat 100% izgrađen i projektovan za potrebe flore i faune.

Plutajući terminal za brodove krstarice
© Waterstudio.NL i Dutch Docklands
Slike: Architect Koen Olthuis – Waterstudio.NL i Dutch Docklands

Revolucionarni koncept terminala za brodove krstarice odnosi se na plutajuću strukturu trougaonog oblika dimenzija 700x700m – dovoljno da istovremeno obezbedi pristanak tri najveće svetske krstarice. Plutajući terminal ima poziciju udaljenu od obale kako bi se obezbedio dovoljan prostor za vezivanje i najvećih brodova. Njegov jednostavan ikonični oblik izgleda kao elegantna i prirodna skulptura na vodi.

Trougaoni prsten je izdignut na jednom kraju što omogućava formiranje manje unutrašnje luke sa spektakularnim ulazom. Izdignut ćošak deluje kao orjentir – svetionik koji obeležava terminal. Unutrašnja luka namenjena je za vezivanje manjih plovila unutar ograđenog prostora. U ovom prostoru pristaju taksi plovila i trajekti koji predstavljaju vezu terminala sa kopnom.

Struktura je razapnuta kablovima sa amortizerima koji su ankerovani u temelj na dnu što omogućava vertikalnu fleksibilnost i takođe osigurava horizontalnu stabilnost. Noću je terminal osvetljen suptilnom plavom svetlošću koja ističe plavkaste nijanse aluminijumske površine. Spoljašnost skulpturalnog oblika dostupna je za pešake i predstavlja neverovatan prostor usred otvorenog vodenog ambijenta – blistavo ostrvo skulpturalnog kvaliteta. Oko unutrašnje luke nalazi se centralna zona cirkulacije u kojoj su smešteni moderni prodajni prostori. Preko tri velika foajea omogućen je pristup unutrašnjoj luci odakle trajekti kreću ka obali. U uglovima trougaone strukture smeštene su tri kapacitetne funkcije: Hotel sa 180 soba koje su orjentisane ka vodi i ka unutrašnjoj luci; Centar za konferencije ukupne površine 24000m2 sa oko 30 sala za sastanke, konferencije i predavanja; Restoran površine 12000m2 nalazi se u izdignutom delu trougaone strukture i gleda na otvorenu vodenu površinu, terminal i unutrašnju luku i pruža spektakularan ugođaj.

Nova voda – Citadela
Slike: Architect Koen Olthuis – Waterstudio.NL

Arhitekta: Koen Olthuis – Waterstudio.NL
Lokacija: Projekat Nova voda, grad Vestland , Holandija
Projekat: Plutajuća stambena zgrada – 60 jedinica
Dubina: 2,74m
Visina: 12,2m
Platforma: 73x128m

Holandija ima 3500 poldera, isušenih zona, koji su ispod nivoa mora i koji se održavaju putem ispumpavanja vode 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u nedelji. Projekat Citadela predstavlja urbanistički poduhvat koji podrazumeva izgradnju 1200 kuća na depolderizovanom području nazvanom Nova Voda. Depolderizacija predstavlja način zaštite okolnih poldera od poplava tokom obilnih padavina.

Citadela se sastoji od 60 jedinica što je čini prvom plutajućom strukturom sa više od 30 stambenih jedinica po hektaru vode. Plutajući objekat sastavljen je od 180 modularnih elemenata koji su raspoređeni oko dvorišta na vrhu plutajućeg betonskog dubokog temelja. Svi apartmani imaju pogled na vodu i većina njih ima mesto za vez manjeg čamca. Citadela će biti pozicionirana u sredini vodene površine a sa obalom će biti povezana preko pontonskog mosta – puta.

Unutar plutajućeg temelja u vidu velikog i teškog betonskog kesona biće smešteni parking prostori. Konstrukcija objekta obaviće se na privremeno isušenom doku u okviru lokacije. Kada se završi izgradnja objekta pumpe će biti zaustavljene i lokacija će biti poplavljena, i objekat će početi da pluta.

Stambene jedinice su okružene staklenim baštama. U toku je analiza odnosa između energetskog menadžmenta staklenika i projekta. Potrošnja energije obračunata za čitav vek trajanja biće za 25% manja u odnosu na konvencionalne zgrade na kopnu.

Osim arhitekture ovog prostora, održivost, tehnologija i ostvarena gustina predstavljaju nove mogućnosti za razvoj grada van granica obale.

Plutajući ugostiteljski objekat
© Waterstudio.NL
Dizajn: Waterstudio.NL
Slike: Architect Koen Olthuis, Waterstudio.NL

Waterstudio osmislio je plutajući ugostiteljski objekat za potrebe kompanije koja se bavi opsluživanjem kanalskih plovila. Objekat je situiran u kanalu Singel u Amsterdamu. Krov, krajni bočni zidovi i površina prizemlja čine kontinualnu liniju koja uokviruje radni prostor i kancelariju, i, na mestu prekida u sredini, naglašava poziciju ulaza i lifta. Kuhinje se nalaze delimično ispod nivoa vode. Hrana se liftom penje na na nivo prizemlja. Korišćenjem materijala kao što su aluminijum, staklo i metalnih kapaka dobijen je izgled industrijskog objekta. Kroz velike staklene fasadne površine vidljiv je limun-zeleni enterijer koji objekat obogaćuje bojom. Noću osvetljeni zeleni enterijer sija nad vodom.

When we talk about understanding territory and its needs, and the new opportunities in architecture, an unavoidable issue is the extension of the building territory to the surfaces where no architecture had been created before and which had not been considered a potential building area. When creating architecture, it is a good thing to have something to grasp at, something that will make the project qualitatively better and more interesting, and, that, certainly, is an atypical building surface – water for example.
Netherlands example, its ventures of the expansion of the building area, is a well known project. So far the only recognized method of creating new building grounds has been the method of drainage. Contemporary architecture is looking for more attractive and less expensive solutions – building on water could be one of them.

Land growth at the expense of water surface is a response to the process of global warming. Considering reduction percentage of the land territory in the next 200 years, it is completely reasonable to take away at least as much from the water territory for building, especially because the need for the building area increases with time. The disproportion of the process reflects in the fact that the forming of the new territory will happen in already developed urban areas as a result of the need for expansion, while today’s undeveloped areas will stay as they are.
In this issue we present the most interesting projects of the Dutch bureau Waterstudio who specializes in this type of architecture, and who has, so far, come closest to realizing projects the life of which is based on water surface.

Text: Marko Stojčić

Sea Tree
Conceptual design Architect Koen Olthuis, Waterstudio.NL

Photocredits: Architect Koen Olthuis – Waterstudio.NL
21  December 2011

Urbanisation and climate change put a lot of pressure on available space for nature in city centres. New initiatives for adding extra park zones to a city are rare. Yet these kind of additional habitats for birds, bees, bats and other small animals could bring a lot of positive green effects to the environment of a city.

Waterstudio has designed a new concept for high density green spots in a city, the sea tree. This sea tree is a floating structure that hold in many layers green habitats for only animals. This structure is not accessible by man. The sea tree is built by offshore technology quite similar to the oil storage towers which can be found on open seas. The idea is that large oil companies donate a sea tree to a city showing their concern for a better city environment by using their own intellectual property. Space for this sea trees can be found on rivers, seas, lakes and even harbours. The height and depth of this sea tree can be adjusted depending on the location. The sea tree moves a bit along with the wind and is moored to the sea bed with a cable system. Under water the sea tree provides a habitat for small water creatures or even when the climate allows it for artificial coral reefs. The beauty of the design is that it provides a solution and at the same time does not cost expensive space on land while the effect of the species living in the sea tree will effect a zone of several miles around the moored location.

For as we know this floating tower will be the first floating object 100% built and designed for flora and fauna.

Floating Cruise ship terminal
© Waterstudio.NL and Dutch Docklands
Photocredits: Architect Koen Olthuis – Waterstudio.NL and Dutch Docklands

This revolutionary concept for a cruise ship-terminal consists of a floating construction in a triangular shape measuring 700 by 700 meters – enough to simultaneously host three of the world’s largest cruise ships. The floating terminal is situated outside the mainland shore to allow enough draught for even the largest cruise-ships to moor. It’s simple iconic shape is like an elegant and natural sculpture outside the shore.

The basic triangular ring is lifted up at one point creating a smaller inner harbor with a spectacular entrance arch. The lifted point acts as a landmark – a beacon marking the terminal. The inner harbor allows smaller vessels to moor in enclosed water. From here water-taxis and ferries connect the cruise ship-terminal to the mainland.

The whole structure is rigged to a foundation in the seabed by means of anchoring cables with dampers, allowing flexibility in vertical sense while ensuring stability in the horizontal plane. At nighttime the cruise ship terminal is lit in a subtle blue light, so as to bring out the bluish tint of the aluminum surface. The outside of the sculptural shape is accessible to pedestrians offering a surprising landscape amidst the open waters – a sparkling island of sculptural quality. Around the inner harbor the central circulation area leads around modern retail space. Three large foyers provide entrance to the inner harbor from which ferries leave for the mainland. The corners of the triangular shape house three larger functions. The 180 room hotel features rooms at both the waterside as well as rooms at the inner courtyard and harbor. The conference center measures a total of over 24.000 square meters, offering around 30 meeting, conference and lecture halls of various sizes. The 12.000 square meter restaurant is situated in the raised point, looking out over the open water as well as the cruise terminal itself and the inner harbor, providing a spectacular dining experience.

New Water – Citadel
Photocredits: Architect Koen Olthuis – Waterstudio.NL
developer: ONW/BNG GO

Architect: Koen Olthuis – Waterstudio.NL
Location: Project The New Water, city of Westland, The Netherlands
Project: Floating apartment building – 60 units
Depth: 9 feet
Height: 40 feet
Platform: 240 x 420 feet

Holland has as many as 3500 polders which are below sea level and kept dry by pumping water out 24/7. The citadel is part of an urban development with 1200 houses that will be built in a depolderised zone, called the New Water. The depolderising done to protect other surrounding polders for flood during times of heavy rainfall.

The Citadel consists of 60 units which makes it the first floating development with more than 30 housing units/acre water. The floating building is a composition of 180 modular elements around a courtyard on top of a floating concrete caisson foundation. All the apartments have water view and most of them have a berthing place for a small boat. The Citadel will be projected on the middle of the water with a floating road for connection with the shore.

The floating foundation is a large and heavy concrete caisson that will house the Citadels car park. Construction of the building will be done in a temporary dry dock on location. When the building is completed the pumps will stop and the site will flood. While being flooded the building will start to float.

The apartment building is surrounded by greenhouses, the interaction between the energy management of the greenhouses and the project is under investigation. The energy consumption over the total lifespan will be 25% less than a conventional building on land.

It is not the architecture but the sustainability, technology and density that opens new possibilities for developing beyond the waterfront.

Floating catering building
© Waterstudio.NL
Design: Waterstudio.NL
Photocredits: Architect Koen Olthuis, Waterstudio.NL

For a company that takes care of the catering for the canal boats in Amsterdam Waterstudio designed a Floating Catering Building. The building is situated in the singel canal in Amsterdam. The roof, end walls and ground level floor form a continuous line framing the working area and office and it accentuates the entrance and elevator by bending down in the middle. The kitchens are situated partly underneath the waterlevel. The elevator will bring the food to the ground floor level. By using materials like aluminium, glass and metal shutters the building has an industrial look. The big glass facades will show the lime green interior that brings the color into the building. At night this will give a nice green glow over the water.

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